Monday, December 31, 2018

The Early Years Intro

*This is geared for ages birth- 5 years old*

Free time with your little genius can be rough.There are days you can’t wait for them to wake up , but you also can’t wait until nap time . Whether your with your little 24 hours a day or four hours a day, you can take advantage of their growing brain !

I have worked and I have also been a stay at home mom. It is very tempting to come home from work or a long day from staying at home —-put on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and just sit —— or clean or cook or fold the 5 loads of laundry you have stared at for 4 days now( in hopes of your spouse will magically just fold it or even put it away). I get it. We have dealt with bosses, co workers, tiny humans, and clients all day!  After a long day 6:00 pm hits and you have this little human banging their plastic cup on your leg , but you have no energy to even make it stop!

But on days where you do have the energy and do want to entertain besides scrolling through Netflix for the latest episodes of Mothergoose Club, here are some ideas for you !

Did you know that the first three years of like , are important  for building the baby's brain???A child's brain develops rapidly during the first three years. It is a time of rapid cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and motor development.  This does not mean run the the nearest Target and raid their bargain bins for every educational workbook they have( the thought of workbooks makes me nauseas-no offense). Workbooks are great if your doing them for a short amount of time , but let’s be real your 2 year old isn’t going to quietly sit with a workbook in their “Sunday best”clothes and gently turn pages. In fact, they will happily take their crayon -break it and probably just scribble on every inch of the page, and rip that page into pieces — and guess what!?!??! That’s exactly what they are supposed to be doing! And guess what?!??! As they took their crayon and scribbled all over that paper and ripped the page into tiny pieces—- they learned something ! They used their fine motor skills ripping that piece of paper and used their writing skills to scribble! 

I am no parenting expert. I am not perfect and many days want I to pull my hair out. There are days I think “ Well it’s 5 o clock somewhere.”  I created this blog to give parents ideas to nurture their child’s brain with simple items they can buy at the dollar store. 

“ A child’s greatest work is done through play.”


Hot mess mom- that might drink a little(only after the little goes to bed and not every night) -don’t judge me 

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