Friday, March 22, 2019

Egg Decorating without the Mess 😉

Happy Spring 🐣

Supplies needed-
Contact Paper
Scraps of paper, ribbon,stickers etc..
Masking tape

What do you do????

1. Draw an egg (or anything you want) on the contact paper (before you remove the back)
2. Remove the back of the contact paper and tape the sticky side facing you to the wall
3.Let your child stick the scraps of paper to the contact paper
4. When they are done cut out the object
5. Stick the object to window or wall for decoration

I found all of these supplies at the Dollar Tree . The contact paper was in the aisle mixed in the the drawer liners

Friday, March 15, 2019

I swear he has Toys 🤦🏼‍♀️

An object to cut holes into the box

So for some reason it seems like toddlers want to play with random objects around the house . Today mine was obsessed with a cracker box even though he didn’t want to eat the crackers in the box when they were offered to him .

This activity helps your child develop new grasping skills and also allows them to learn through trial and error by maneuvering the straws in and out of the holes. These grasping skills will eventually lead to how they hold a pencil, crayon, paint brush,etc.
(And it also kept him busy with his beloved cracker box for about 10 Min)

Below is a picture to better explain what I mentioned above :

Happy St Patrick’s Day 🍀

Tuesday, March 5, 2019



You can make every day  things that you may just throw in the trash into learning opportunities!
3 activities

For the first activity you will need
Egg Carton
Writing object
Things to count

Write numbers inside the egg slots ... match the number of counting objects to the correct number 

Color Matching 

I found these bear pencil grips at the Dollar Tree but you can use anything you have multiple colors of 

Second Activity -Encourage your child to group matching colors together 

You need-
Toilet paper or paper towel roll
Any objects that will fit into the roll ( confetti.. pencil grips(like above).. Pom pom balls)

Tape the roll the the wall..
Encourage your child to drop objects down the roll


Thanks for stopping by !!

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