Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Fruit Loop And Spaghetti Fine Motor Skills

Hello all!

I have been MIA for a few weeks! It’s been busy. This week we did try out Carter’ s Play Place. It was neat and only $8 for the whole day(we only stayed for 2 hours)!

Uncooked Spaghetti
Fruit Loops or Cheerios
Play Doh

What you do-
Take uncooked spaghetti
Stick the uncooked spaghetti in Play Doh
Demonstrate to your child how to slide the dry cereal onto the spaghetti noodle

This helps build fine motor and hand-eye coordination. If  you have an older child it helps with color recognition and pattern building skills.

My little one struggled with this a little bit so he needs a little bit more practice!

Thanks for Stopping By πŸ’•

Friday, February 8, 2019

Muffin Tin Activity 🧁

Activity 1
Supplies - Muffin Tin
Muffin tin ball transfer encourages developmental skills such as hand-eye coordination (including reaching and grasping skills), strengthening of the core and upper body muscles needed for crawling, and problem solving for motor skills (aka-motor planning). If you use different textured balls this is also good for sensory 

Older children can also use the balls to make different patterns in the tins.


Activity 2:
Supplies- Muffin Tin
                Pom poms
                Dry Erase Marker

Use the dry erase marker to write the number and number points inside of the muffin holders.

This is more for preschool age children . This helps with number recognition and fine motor skills (grasping Pom poms)

Monday, February 4, 2019

Trapped Animals Fine Motor Activity


Supplies - rubber bands and plastic animals

All you do is wrap a rubber band around the animal and your child will use their fine motor skills to attempt to unwrap the animal!

I would recommend supervising this activity due to the rubber bands!

Thank you πŸ“πŸ„πŸΌ

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